Sunday, February 15, 2015

5 Simple Steps to a Happier Mind

Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's been forever. With my previous update being on National Suicide Awareness Day, I really wanted to emphasize and dwell on it before posting again. But as I continue to work on overcoming many unhealthy mindsets and harmful coping mechanisms, I am learning a lot about myself, and what I can do to take better care of my body. 

I want to enjoy life more. I want to train my mind to be happier. I want to wake up one day and be happy that I did. I know this isn't going to happen overnight, and it's going to take a lot of work and commitment to change what I can, but I'm confident that it can be done. 

Funny, how the littlest things can make the biggest differences, some so trivial you might not even think to do. So here are five simple things I practice and learned can benefit in BIG ways: 
  1. Breath
    The power of breath is incredible. Did you know breathing is the only autonomous system of the body that we can control? Our breaths indicate our mood, and our mood indicates our breath; meaning, if we can change how we breathe, then we can also change how we feel. Yoga/Meditation is a great way to learn about various breathing techniques. 
  2. Drink More Water
    Our bodies are made up to 75% water, but we lose by even breathing and are in constant need of more. Think of your body like a blooming flower, a plant that requires a large amount of water every day, otherwise, it will die. The benefits of drinking more water are endless, but overall, we are fueling our bodies and releasing toxins. Without an adequate amount of water, we would literally drown in our own metabolic wastes. But overall, when you're hydrated you feel good! 
  3. Sleep Longer and Allow the Body to Awake Naturally 
    Even though you are sleeping, your body is still awake and functioning! In fact, it's taking that time to heal and repair. I always find that on those days where I allow my body to wake me up and not the alarm clock, that I feel better, well-rested and energized, focused, content. Just better.
  4. Take Daily Vitamins
    This one always creates most discussion when brought up. I know some don't notice a difference in their health and well-being by taking vitamins, but personally, I find vitamins to be crucial. My body is extremely malnourished. My previous and current diet is horrendous and I am not providing close to enough of the nutrients I know I need. I am also still growing! I take vitamins as a way to show I love my body, and my body gives back by making me feel healthier and happier.
  5. Stretch
    One of the most important life lessons learned as a toddler! We spend the most of the day in the same posture, and the muscles not used become short and tight. By stretching our bodies, we are circulating blood, increasing energy, decreasing tension/stress, and being healthy. 
Let me know what are some simple things you do that make you happier or what you do to have a better day in the comments below. I'd love to hear them!! Until next time xoxo